Please fill out the following form to change the mailing address for a property under the jurisdiction of the County of Sonoma Assessor's Office. You will need the Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) or Assessment Number in order to continue. If you do not know the APN, you may look it up by searching Public Assessor Services here: Parcel Number Lookup Tool (opens in a new tab).
Please note: A separate application must be submitted for each parcel number. If you own multiple parcels, please email your new mailing address to the Assessor at address.changes@sonoma-county.org. Please include the owner's name, phone number and a list of parcel numbers and the property address for each parcel. Please indicate if one of the parcels is your principal place of residence. Attach a proof of identification, such as a copy of your photo ID or driver’s license, to the email for verification purposes.
If you have any questions about this form, please contact us by phone at (707) 565-1888 or visit our website.
Thank you.
* = Required Field
Homeowner's Exemption Form (opens in a new tab)
Reclamo Para la Extencion de Impuestos Prediales de los Propietarios de Casas sea enviada (se abre en una nueva pestaña)