HR-Park Pass Request

Sonoma County Employee Park Pass Request

Complete the below application to request a Sonoma County Parks Pass as part of your Union Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) benefits. You must fall under the ESC, SEIU, SCDPDAA, or SCPA MOUs to qualify. More information about Sonoma County MOUs can be found here

Sonoma County Regional Parks Annual Membership Benefit 2023 - Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated June 14, 2023


  1. Regional Parks annual memberships provide the following benefits:
  • Parking pass good for 12 months of parking at more than 55 parks
  • One night of camping at a Regional Park campground
  • Discounts at the Spring Lake Water Bark dog swims
  • 12 months of boat launching at Doran, Westside and Spring Lake parks
  • Discounts with local recreation providers
  • Park map
  • Monthly e-news
  1.  Membership voucher activation code:
  1. Parking pass:
  • The plastic hang tag that is displayed in the vehicle

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: How do I start my Regional Parks annual membership and get my parking pass?

Special Notes:

  • It may take up to 5-10 business days to receive a response to your request due to the number of employees receiving this benefit. As of the current date there are over 2000 bargaining unit members who may also receive this newly negotiated benefit
  • If you already have an active parks membership and parking pass, you may want to wait to redeem until the current membership and parking pass expires.
  • New memberships are valid for 12 months from time Regional Parks fulfills your order, not from the time you receive your activation code from the county.
  1. Q. I am trying to submit a request but it won’t submit / I am getting an error message.

You are eligible for to claim one Regional Parks Pass every fiscal year. If you have previously submitted a request for a pass for the current fiscal year, you will be unable to submit a second claim and will see an notification under your employee ID #. If you are having trouble or believe there may be a mistake please contact

  1. Q: How long does it take to receive your parking pass in the mail after you enter your activation code online?

Normally, it takes 10-15 days to receive the parking pass in the mail after you enter your activation code online. Due to the newly negotiated benefit, processing times may be longer depending on the volume of requests. In addition to your parking pass, you will receive a parks map and information on how to reserve your free night of camping.

  1. Q: How long does it take to receive your parking pass and membership benefits information when you redeem your activation code in person at Regional Parks’ office located at 2300 County Center Dr., Suite 120A?

If you redeem your membership voucher activation code at the Regional Parks’ office, you will receive your parking pass and parks map immediately. If redeeming in person, you must show or provide a printout of the email with your membership activation code from Codes presented in person without the Employee Relations email cannot be accepted.

  1. Q: I already have a Regional Parks annual membership that expires later this year. Is this my only chance to get a County paid Regional Parks annual membership?

You can request to receive a County-paid Regional Parks annual membership and parking pass at any time during the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). If you have already purchased an annual membership we suggest that you leave your membership as-is until the month of expiration. When it gets close to the expiration, submit a new request at for your new annual membership.

  1. Q: Can I get a refund for a parks membership I already purchased?

No. If you have already purchased an annual membership we suggest that you leave your membership as-is until the month of expiration. When it gets close to the expiration, submit a request at for your new annual membership.

  1. Q: How many annual memberships can you get?

The MOU allows you to receive one annual membership each fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) as follows:
July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024
July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026

  1. Q: Who is eligible to receive an Regional Parks annual membership?

Permanent employees in classifications covered by the SEIU, ESC, SCPA, SCDPDAA MOU and Extra Help employees in classifications covered by the SEIU MOU are eligible to receive one County-paid Regional Parks annual membership during the fiscal year as outlined in #6 above.

  1. Q: What if your parking pass gets lost or stolen?

We will follow the Regional Parks lost pass policy. “Lost or stolen pass will not be replaced” is printed on the back of each membership hang tag. Contact Sonoma County Regional Parks ( or 707-565-2041 to report your pass missing or stolen. Staff will discuss options of purchasing a pro-rated pass for the remainder of time remaining on your lost/stolen pass.

  1. Q: Can you still make a request after the MOU expires February 28, 2026?

Yes. The MOU allows you to request an annual membership July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026.

Park Pass Request

* = Required Field

This negotiated benefit applies to members of ESC, SEIU, SCPA and SCDPDAA only.

By selecting this box I acknowledge that I am requesting the Sonoma County Parks pass that I am entitled to for this fiscal year.